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Chocolate Cake in a Cup

Love At First Bite

It definitely isn't easy when you first find out you have to "give up" certain foods or ingredients. Creating this healthy gluten free chocolate cake recipe helped me through those beginning days when I didn't know how to alter recipes easily with such a strict diet. This tastes EXACTLY like a brownie and can satisfy the worst of cravings. The whole family loves it! This recipe is for a single serving, however you can double it, triple it, or more and split the batter evenly throughout multiple ramekins. Enjoy every bite!

Date de publication:

February 14, 2018

Créé par : ♥Tina Buenzli à Triumph Over Health

Temps de préparation:

5 minutes

Temps de cuisson:

approximately 12 minutes




Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic and/or as natural as can be (GMO and pesticide free).

Note: It's easy to get confused when reading food labels today. To save you research time and frustration, I have linked as often as possible to my favorite brands. These same products and 1000's more can be found HERE. My favorite non-toxic kitchen equipment is also linked below, as well as many more HERE.

Outils de cuisine:


  1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 325 degrees.

  2. Place all ingredients into a small bowl.

  3. Mix thoroughly with a fork, whipping until ingredients are smooth.

  4. Use a spatula to pour mix into a 4" ramekin, making sure to scrap sides to get all of the mix.

  5. Bake chocolate cake for approximately 12 minutes until baked through and it looks golden and fluffy.

  6. Top with organic, raw walnuts, shredded coconut or just eat it as is. Enjoy!

More Awesome Dessert Recipes:

Dark Chocolate and Walnut Fudge

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

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*Index des catégories de recettes ICI

*Épicerie biologique et ressources en ligne sur l'alimentation peuvent être trouvées  ICI

* Vous ne savez pas quels aliments sont réellement sains et que faut-il éviter ?  

  Voir mes listes d'aliments GRATUITES  ICI

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