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Dark Chocolate and Walnut Fudge

Sinful, Melt in your Mouth Goodness

This special recipe is dedicated to my Father-in-Law, John who absolutely loves this fudge. He has had some pretty significant health issues lately, but this fudge makes him feel a whole lot better. He even calls it his "Medicinal Fudge" even though there's no medicine per se in the recipe. However there are healthy ingredients that add to its plain ole mouthwatering goodness! This decadent fudge recipe is perfect for Valentine's Day, Christmas, Girls' night out or in, or as a special treat! You can make it ahead, it stores well in the refrigerator for weeks and a little bit goes a long way. Pair it with a glass of your favorite champagne or red wine and share it with that special someone, or when you are craving chocolate but don't want to compromise your fitness goals. Enjoy!

Date de publication:

February 11, 2019

Créé par : ♥Tina Buenzli à Triumph Over Health

Temps de préparation:

10 minutes

Temps de cuisson:

10 minutes + 3 hours chill time or until firm


10 or more (if you share)


Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic and/or as natural as can be (GMO and pesticide free).

Note: It's easy to get confused when reading food labels today. To save you research time and frustration, I have linked as often as possible to my favorite brands. These same products and 1000's more can be found HERE. My favorite non-toxic kitchen equipment is also linked below, as well as many more HERE.

Outils de cuisine:


  1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 325 degrees.

  2. Place chopped walnuts into a stainless steel pan with raised sides and place in oven. Bake for 3-5 minutes until slightly toasted. Watch them and don't let them burn!

  3. Meanwhile, line the glass or ceramic baking dish with parchment paper. Make sure there are overlapping sides for ease of removing fudge when done.

  4. Place chocolate chips, butter (sliced), and espresso powder into bowl and set aside.

  5. Place coconut cream and honey into heavy, large and deep saucepan.

  6. Stir cream and honey over medium heat, stirring constantly until honey blends in and mixture begins to boil. Make sure to adjust heat to prevent from boiling over. About 10 minutes or less.

  7. Immediately pour cream mixture over chocolate mixture.

  8. Whisk until the chocolate and butter are melted and the fudge is smooth.

  9. Stir in vanilla, salt and nuts.

  10. Spread fudge evenly in parchment lined dish.

  11. Refrigerate uncovered until it is chilled and set, about 3 hours or overnight.

  12. When ready, use the overlapping edges of the parchment paper to lift the fudge from the dish. Place on a cutting board.

  13. Slice with a thin knife, cutting into rows, then into desired size pieces.

  14. Keep covered and chilled in a glass dish until ready to serve, or to dole out to yourself bit by bit when you need a chocolate fix.Stays good for 4-6 weeks. Enjoy! 

Allergy/Health Information:

If you have a nut allergy, then the nuts can be omitted. If you'd like to switch macadamia nuts for the walnuts, they work well also. If you would like to make this recipe completely dairy-free, then substitute the butter for 3/4 cups melted coconut oil. I have used walnuts in this recipe because walnuts are not only a great source of good fats (which support brain health), but they are also thought to help prevent colon cancer and better heart health.

More Awesome Dessert Recipes:

Chocolate Cake in a Cup

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Type de recette :


*Index des catégories de recettes ICI

*Épicerie biologique et ressources en ligne sur l'alimentation peuvent être trouvées  ICI

* Vous ne savez pas quels aliments sont réellement sains et que faut-il éviter ?  

  Voir mes listes d'aliments GRATUITES  ICI

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Avis de non-responsabilité : le contenu de ce site Web est basé sur des recherches menées par Tina Buenzli et Triumph Over Health, LLC, sauf indication contraire.  Les informations présentées sont uniquement à des fins éducatives.  Il n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer ou à prescrire un trouble médical ou psychologique, ni à prévenir, traiter, atténuer ou  guérir  de telles conditions. Les informations contenues dans ce document ne sont pas destinées à remplacer une relation individuelle avec un médecin ou un professionnel de la santé qualifié. Par conséquent, ces informations ne constituent pas un avis médical, mais plutôt un partage de connaissances et d'informations basé sur la recherche et l'expérience personnelle.  Triumph Over Health, LLC vous encourage à prendre vos propres décisions en matière de soins de santé en fonction de votre jugement et de vos recherches en partenariat avec un médecin ou un professionnel de la santé qualifié.


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