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Lemon Rosemary Cornish Game Hens

Roasted In The Oven Or On A BBQ ~ They Are Perfect!

If you have never tried Cornish Game Hens then you are in for a treat! I love them so much more than chicken. The flavor is FANTASTIC! Experiment with your favorite spices to see what you like best. This is an excellent recipe to make mid-week because it is so easy, yet the taste is elegant enough to serve to company.

Date de publication:

March 15, 2018

Créé par : ♥Tina Buenzli à Triumph Over Health

Temps de préparation:

10 minutes

Temps de cuisson:

Approximately 50 minutes or until meat thermometer = 165




Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic


  • 4 organic free-range Cornish game hens, rinsed well and patted dry

  • 2 lemons cut in half

  • 2 Tablespoons Coconut oil melted

  • Celtic sea salt

  • Dried Rosemary

Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic and/or as natural as can be (GMO, hormone and pesticide free).

Note: It's easy to get confused when reading food labels today. To save you research time and frustration, I have linked as often as possible to my favorite brands. These same products and 1000's more can be found HERE. My favorite non-toxic kitchen equipment is also linked below, as well as many more HERE.

Outils de cuisine:


  1. If using an oven, Preheat oven to Roast 375⁰F

  2. Place the game hens in a large roasting pan, breast side up

  3. Put a half lemon inside each hen

  4. Brush each game hen with coconut oil with the baster

  5. Sprinkle the salt and rosemary all over each hen

  6. Place in the oven and roast for approximately 50 minutes, or until the internal temperature using a meat thermometer is 165⁰. The game hens will be a beautiful golden brown when they are done.

  7. There’s a lot of meat on the hens, so for smaller eaters they can be split in half to serve two people per hen.

  8. Leftovers are wonderful on a salad to make another meal in itself. In fact, we usually try to make extra so we don’t have to cook the next night.



*If you are using a BBQ, roast over medium heat

*If using a crockpot, start the pot on high, but then drop the temperature down to low after an hour, cooking for approximately 3-4 hours more. The meat will fall off the bone and have a lot more moisture to it.

Allergy/Health Information:

Organic game hens are a lean source of protein.  A good rule of thumb is to vary your foods in order to obtain a variety of nutrients from a multitude of sources.

Type de recette :


*Index des catégories de recettes ICI

*Épicerie biologique et ressources en ligne sur l'alimentation peuvent être trouvées  ICI

* Vous ne savez pas quels aliments sont réellement sains et que faut-il éviter ?  

  Voir mes listes d'aliments GRATUITES  ICI

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Avis de non-responsabilité : le contenu de ce site Web est basé sur des recherches menées par Tina Buenzli et Triumph Over Health, LLC, sauf indication contraire.  Les informations présentées sont uniquement à des fins éducatives.  Il n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer ou à prescrire un trouble médical ou psychologique, ni à prévenir, traiter, atténuer ou  guérir  de telles conditions. Les informations contenues dans ce document ne sont pas destinées à remplacer une relation individuelle avec un médecin ou un professionnel de la santé qualifié. Par conséquent, ces informations ne constituent pas un avis médical, mais plutôt un partage de connaissances et d'informations basé sur la recherche et l'expérience personnelle.  Triumph Over Health, LLC vous encourage à prendre vos propres décisions en matière de soins de santé en fonction de votre jugement et de vos recherches en partenariat avec un médecin ou un professionnel de la santé qualifié.


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